On the original Magnum P.I., Magnum’s inner voice was like another character on the show, often warning him of impending danger. We all have that inner voice (I know I do) but we rarely listen to it (guilty).
Earlier this month I went surfing at one of my favorite spots and after locking my car I took my keys with me to the beach. I hid them in my hat and paddled out. When I came back my keys were gone. Someone had grabbed the keys, rushed up to my car and stole my cash and credit card.
Earlier, my inner voice told me to put the car key in my swim trunk pocket, move my wallet front the glove box to the trunk, leave my keys near a surf class, and finally, to not go out at all. I ignored every one of these warnings and now I am knee-deep in dealing with the credit card company. (You don’t realize how many places you use autopay until you “lose” your credit card.)
Listen to your inner voice, it’s there to help you.