Custom Keynote Speeches
Lee's custom presentations exceed expectations in every way, every time. He also helps others do the same.

2024 Lee Silber Live Demo
It's taken years and thousands of presentations but Lee has found the perfect blend of audience activities, memorable messages, and humor for a string of standing ovations.
Presentation Training
We will help you write, design, and deliver your speech like a pro with instruction, support, rehearsals, and reviews.
Presentation Instruction • Content Creation • Slide Design • Media Training

Take advantage of Lee Silber's 33 years of experience as a professional speaker to speak like a pro yourself.

I appreciated the time and energy Lee put into getting to know our group and creating content that spoke to them.
Keynote Speaking
Silber is at the top of his game as a speaker and his string of standing ovations in a row this year isn't fluke. He makes people laugh, involves them in fun ways, and leaves attendees with a powerful and memorable message.
Keynotes • Breakouts • Webinars • In-Services • Workshops