When you think of Dave Grohl, (Nirvana, Foo Fighters) the first thoughts that come to mind are all good. He’s talented, successful, grounded, generous, and well-liked. He even said, “Be the type of person you want to meet.” Here’s how to improve your image.
__ Manners matter.
__ Always do the right thing.
__ Don’t criticize others, find things to compliment.
__ Don’t call, text, e-mail, or speak when you’re angry.
__ To be seen as interesting, be interested in others.
__ Remember birthdays (and half birthdays).
__ Make every effort to be fun to be around.
ACTION: Choose something nice you can do right now for another person. Can’t think of one? I have one cued up. My son is raising money for his football team. If you want to help, just let me know. leesilber@leesilber.com.
